13 mayo, 2011

@MTVNews celebra el cumple de Rob...

Ideally, Robert would start his day off getting fed tortilla soup by Kristen Stewart in bed
Robert comenzará su día con una sopa de tortilla hecha por Kristen Stewart en la cama.

Then he would take his dog Bear out to meet Tai the elephant
Luego se ira con Bear a pasear y conocer a Tai.

Rob would love to spend his birthday as a contestant on his favorite show, "Minute to Win It"
A Robert le encantaría pasar su cumpleaños en su show favorito "Minute to win it".

Rob would be overjoyed if he received hair gel as presents from his friends
Rob estará super emocionado si recibe gel como regalo de sus amigos.
RPattz would love to close the night out by drinking champagne and showing off his new dance skills on top of a table
Le encantará cerrar la noche bebiendo champagne y mostrando sus nuevas habilidades en el baile, sobre una mesa.


Por: Rori C.

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