19 octubre, 2009

Editorial: Kristen Stewart's Birthday

Hey, Hey!!! Welcome Everyone.-

To all our cuite visits this Editorial is for invite this Friday, April 9. to the Birthday of our Ladylove Kristen Stewart.

Yes, she is going to birthday 20th and because that, the Staff invites you to celebrate the event. You can send us photos, videos, congratulations and best wishes and here in Robward and Krisella we go to made a post that we will trying to send to Kristen by twitter and her friends like, Dakota, Peter, Giovanni Agnelli (Welcome to the Rileys's Producer) and Daniel Rossano.

So, if you want send us your info. you can do it to our mail: Robwardkrisella14@gmail.com

By Twitter you can send us all what you want about this to Kristen, our Twitter is: www.twitter.com/RobwardKrisella

Grettings and We wait for you here!

Robward and Krisella -Staff-

5 comentarios:

  1. Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.

  2. si expliquen el gif.........

  3. viendolo bien no hay beso, solo un anhelo loco de rob de probar esa pielecita.

    dios, estaban que les salian humos......

  4. Chicas no puedo explicar nada!
    por que tampoco se que es realmente lo encontre y lo traje
    cada quien juzgue

  5. No se si me enganan mi ojitos pero ese fue un beso??? si si pos me kede sin palabras :)
